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Error due to contracts

PostPosted: Fri Nov 08, 2019 4:35 pm
by Robmeister89
First off.. I hate the new contract system not allowing players to sign during the post-season.. I think that's absolutely ridiculous.

Next... my league file is now broken.

Because of the bug (that was recently patched, but too late for us) a handful of teams were left without players signing. Because of this, I felt it was appropriate to force sign some players for them manually through the Edit Player screen (I simply moved the contract to 2 years so they would have them next season and can extend them at that point). Well, doing so broke something. Every time I attempt to publish html reports, it breaks on player salaries. When I go to the Contracts screen I get an error (code is displayed below).

Can this be fixed? Or do I have to revert back and tell these owners they're **** out of luck?

Code: Select all
DDSPF Error Log
Date: 11/8/2019 2:08:14 PM
Source: mscorlib
Message: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
Stack Trace:    at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException(ExceptionArgument argument, ExceptionResource resource)
   at DDSPF.Player.get_SalaryOverYears()
   at DDSPF.League.#=qx77RINvpvHOTFEXtA1Swr3aIN8K8kNSm5TugnvyLFZY=(#=qgmfq7tQbSDpKJ_p3Wk_Dfw== #=qFMxXVTGG7zIMYso5kbdDvg==, Boolean #=qcvt0PC6F6YFaiUPPgcSwVQ==, Int32 #=qtBvrHAUg0ERKP0eeQb0eWA==, Boolean #=qVj4DUkz8RUY6MNQClqe_Xw==)
   at #=qAW5EVCca4akMSGh9exc$sQ==.#=qZAFKRe0G3Bg5hMWCCDO3uA==(BackgroundWorker #=qgpkbvFmQ3zPI4W1sCUM8xeVHX11NcTLPdgrIcxNoAyI=)
   at #=qAW5EVCca4akMSGh9exc$sQ==.#=qm0LSNnPzcsBxpq2Rt4H90g==(BackgroundWorker #=qWw$XjgsKjSKlNq9hfpVwmrlZl39a0Nkgb6Iy_zjnSAw=)
   at #=qAW5EVCca4akMSGh9exc$sQ==.#=qOH7iOlO$ffSLn0nphOc9_A==(BackgroundWorker #=q3m43lNSp1_zuNg2Vzt2ctvYhYKJgwgWVeBU0nPfZMJE=)