Player averaging 52 points per game

Player averaging 52 points per game

Postby Nando7007 » Tue Jan 15, 2019 12:24 am

I just started an 1987 historical season and at the end Karl malone average 52 pts a game and Jordan just 13 points. The player ratings on both seems to be ok. Does anybody has the same problem? Is there a fix?
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Re: Player averaging 52 points per game

Postby Gary Gorski » Tue Jan 15, 2019 1:25 pm

I think we need more to go on - first of all how many games did each guy play? What if they got hurt or something and played like 4 games. I don't know if that particular season Malone was incredibly effective and that skewed his rating creation for that year but if you want to send the game files into support we can look and see. We would also want to simulate out the season many more times and see if it was just a fluke too
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Re: Player averaging 52 points per game

Postby rawr123456787654 » Tue Jan 22, 2019 4:10 am

Also, what's Malone's split up ball duty stuff? Can't remember the specific term, but it's on the bottom left in commissioner edit. Did something get switched up and maybe he's driving to the basket instead of passing at like a 70 ratio? I've noticed sometimes small little clerical issues like that greatly warp a players play, keep an eye open for that. It doesn't impact a players actual success at those things, just how often he does it.
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Re: Player averaging 52 points per game

Postby icikle » Thu Oct 10, 2019 11:42 am

I was doing the same year historical league, funny enough. Jordan has been shooting 75% of his shots from the 3pts line! His scoring is rated 100 but he has taken 350fg so far and 225 of those have been from the 3pt line. His outside shooting is rated 11. Thus, his fg% has been 20% and he has been averaging 14ppg through 16gms or so.

What rating affects his willingness to shoot the outside shot? Where do I adjust that in the db? It is a bit silly. The game looks good even though Malone and Barkley are averaging over 40ppg.

Thanks for the help.
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