Linked League

Linked League

Postby wwdavis20 » Thu Nov 12, 2020 6:10 pm

I have a problem with a league linked to DDSCB20 where the game populates the draft with a bunch of fake college players, a couple real ones from the linked league, and deletes the rest of the real players.

Also following this after I hit the start draft button nothing happens, it just sits there with nothing happening and I can't select a player.
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Re: Linked League

Postby Gary Gorski » Fri Nov 13, 2020 11:11 am

I don't know how it could populate with both players from the linked league and with players it has created itself - the game would have had to run two separate processes to do those things.

Did you start with using the offseason start option? If so you're going to have to go through that offseason first before you get to the point in the instructions which is the "beginning" where you want to be following the steps. Did you follow all of the steps in order exactly as it is laid out?

If you want to submit your game files from both the college and pro leagues to I will try to look at them and see if I can figure out what happened
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