Welcome to DDS:CB 2021 FirstAccess

Welcome to DDS:CB 2021 FirstAccess

Postby Gary Gorski » Mon Feb 15, 2021 2:50 pm

Welcome everyone! It's time for college hoops again and FirstAccess has officially begun!

First, what exactly is FirstAccess? For a really good explanation please visit our blog at https://www.wolverinestudios.com/2020/0 ... rstaccess/

Second, if you find a bug, experience a crash or have a suggestion what should you do? The best thing is to check this forum right here and see if a thread exists on it. If not, start a new one. I will lock the threads as I fix items or if I have implemented that suggestion in a build. I will post here in this forum when new builds are up and will post a download link to update the game. If you need to install the full game please use the link provided to you in your purchase email.

The game is expected to be finalized for full release on 3/2/20

I want to stress that participating in FirstAccess is totally optional. If you are simply buying for the discount that's cool and we'll see you at release. If you do have the time and inclination to help us by testing from now until then we certainly appreciate it.

Just as a reminder there will be a demo when the game is released so if you're wanting to try it out before you buy it you certainly will be able to have that chance.

A couple of important notes as well - as always there is the chance you may have to start a new save game during FirstAccess due to changes or further additions. There is also the chance you may have to do a full reinstall so if you download mods you might want to keep that download file in case you have to reuse it again.

Thank you to everyone for your continued support in making this the number one college basketball game available today!
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Gary Gorski
WS Development
Posts: 9026
Joined: Thu Apr 27, 2006 3:56 pm

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