Step by Step guide. This only needs to be done when you Import a DDSCB21 association to DDSCB22. If you start an Association from DDSCB22 no need as it's done with the mod.
You must install the DDSCB22 College Mod 22 first for this to work. Then the the complete mod will work with your DDSCB21 import.
1. Load your imported DDSCB21 Association
2. Just above the "Dashboard" Button, click in the teams name drop down and type "Saint Paul"
3. This should bring up the Saint Paul Tomcats.
4. Go down to the bottom left of the screen and click on "School Info"
5. In the center of the screen is an "Edit Team Information" button click it.
6. Change the following
School Name = St. Thomas
Mascot Name = Tommies
Abbreviation = ST.TM
City = St. Paul
State = MN
Arena Name = Schoenecker Arena
Arena Capacity = 2000
7. To the right of the Team Logo click "Browse" and load "1CM_StThomas" (these are listed in alphabetical order)
8. To the right of Team Court Click "Browse" and load "1CM_StThomas" (these are listed in alphabetical order)
9. To the right of Home Jersey click the Purple Circle, when the color window pops up click "Define Custom Color. Type under the Red 65, Green 38, Blue 132 and click OK. Under the Home Jersey click "Browse" and load 1CM_whi68.
10 To the right of Road Jersey leave the White Circle as this is correct. Under the Home Jersey click "Browse" and load 1CM_pur85.
11 To the right of Primary Color click the Purple Circle, when the color window pops up click "Define Custom Color. Under the Red 65, Green 38, Blue 132 and click OK.
12 To the right of Secondary Color click the White Circle, when the color window pops up click "Define Custom Color. Under the Red 158, Green 158, Blue 158 and click OK.
13. This is very important - Save your association now so you do not lose your work.