Game Speed?

Game Speed?

Postby zekeroberts » Thu Mar 09, 2023 10:41 pm

Saw that there was a thread on "Fast Forward" and I have a similar observation/question but didn't want to interrupt/hi-jack the other thread...

Before the tip-off, I noticed that I can increase game speed into double-digits, I've pushed it as high as 32? And when I hit play, it seems to be in fast-forward (player models aren't moving, but time is ticking down and score is updating).

After the game has started, once I lower the game speed below 9, I can't reach the "+" button is deactivated. Is that intentional? Is that what the game considers fast-forward? Just wanting to clarify...

Fast-forward works just fine to speed games up for me, but I think it would be cool to have a "advance to next media timeout" option, especially if we can use timeout strategies at media timeouts

(For the record, I haven't been able to use timeout strategies at all in this year's version, even at called timeouts... maybe I'm doing something wrong?)
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Re: Game Speed?

Postby Gary Gorski » Thu Mar 09, 2023 11:54 pm

The speed should not be able to move into double digits - I will look at that post launch and see what is happening there. I will also look into the timeout issue as well.
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