Are you in need of customer support? Check here FIRST

Are you in need of customer support? Check here FIRST

Postby Gary Gorski » Mon Mar 05, 2018 3:11 pm

We know sometimes you can run into a situation where you need to report a bug or are in need of some other form of customer support. Our developers are committed to making the best products possible for you but sometimes it is difficult to respond to every thread on the forum in addition to the duties of developing the games and responding to those customers who have emailed our support team.

We encourage you to post on these forums especially because sometimes the community can help with an issue or help explain something where our development team wouldn't have to be involved. If you have a bug or crash to report though we highly recommend using our support form to report it. When you submit a support form please include the game you are in need of help with as well. Submitting a support form will ensure that your issue gets put in front of the developer via email and they can follow up directly with you and you will be assured that your issue is not missed that way.

Our support form can be found at

Our developers also are available from time to time in our slack channel. You can join at ... mRkYWUyYWI

We appreciate your feedback as customers and are committed to offering the highest levels of support possible!
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Gary Gorski
WS Development
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Joined: Thu Apr 27, 2006 3:56 pm

Re: Are you in need of customer support?

Postby Gary Gorski » Fri Feb 01, 2019 5:10 pm

We're very excited to introduce a new level of customer support that we are trying out. Clicking the support link above will take you to a new page that contains some knowledge articles that hopefully will help answer some of our most asked questions as well as a new ticket system that will allow us even faster ability to respond to your needs for support.

We hope to be able to answer many of your questions without needing to even open a support ticket so that you're off and running as fast as possible. If you do have to submit a ticket just be aware you don't have to register an account to do so - just provide the email address and the pertinent data as before and we'll take care of you as soon as we possibly can!
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Gary Gorski
WS Development
Posts: 9097
Joined: Thu Apr 27, 2006 3:56 pm

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