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Too Many INTS being thrown

PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2024 3:03 pm
by beauforsure
i checked out the demo, and simming.. my QBs are throwing really high INT numbers... Love threw 7 ints in 1 game and 6 in the other... ended with a league high 29 ints. ok so i let Love walk, drafted a high OVR 88 QB , and same problem.. 9 TDs 10 INTS thru 6 games.. 4 in 1 game.. while the 4 ints arent un-realistc , the amount being thrown per game by all QBs in the game seem to be really high... then the occasional 0TD 0INT games... the in-balance is odd. The draft 88 OVR QB has a 91 Accuracy 87 Intel... Goff however has 12 TD and 0 INT... Allen 10 TD 1 INT.

I have changed some of the gameplans and strategy around , nothing seemed to matter..

Re: Too Many INTS being thrown

PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2024 8:19 pm
by brooks_piggott
Did you build your own playbooks? My guess is not enough variety in the plays and the defense is keying in on passes easily. But high INT isn't something we noticed in testing... everything was tuned to NFL norms. The game doesn't know names of players, so that doesn't matter... and a 91 Acc/87 Int shouldn't be that bad unless there is something going on with the playbooks or traits/game plan where things are cranked up to high on aggressive play styles.

Re: Too Many INTS being thrown

PostPosted: Thu Feb 29, 2024 12:31 pm
by beauforsure
No, i did not build any playbooks, i ran everything on default.. which leads me to believe that the CPU also has this issue... See screens below.. I know also the game doesnt know who players are , etc... (been in the sim world for a very long time) I have had tried previous versions. which i did not care for. But the UI upgrades were nice, however the engine seems still wonky. and im sure you hear enough about financials , ill spare you, my criticism'


Both of these players were really good in 1st year, only to come to a crazy uptick in INTS the next season, with ZERO coaching/gameplan changes that i saw.



from the INT % almost all of the QBs throw at least 2 per game. More would be thrown if more passes were attempted. way too many.

Re: Too Many INTS being thrown

PostPosted: Thu Feb 29, 2024 9:50 pm
by brooks_piggott
Right now the game generates about 450 int for the season, which is in-line with totals for NFL stats. What I'm unsure about is why high Arm/Int/Acc QB's are having those high numbers.. in my test league I had Anthony Richardson go 42/7 TD/INT but with seriously lower ratings. My best quick guess at the moment is the higher Arm guys are pushing the ball downfield more and that is triggering more INT (it's going to be even worse if they have game plans and coaches that are super aggressive). It's also possible they are repeating plays a lot in the playbooks which would be bad since defenses get huge bonuses to spammed plays. There isn't anything obvious in the code that is causing it.

Re: Too Many INTS being thrown

PostPosted: Mon Jan 27, 2025 11:46 pm
by SKS92266
Any fix to this? I have made mass updates to ratings, QB, WR, etc. with no solution.
Very frustrating.
Also a problem with way too many teams scoring 450+ points in a season

Re: Too Many INTS being thrown

PostPosted: Sun Feb 02, 2025 9:51 am
by brooks_piggott
No, I was never able to recreate the issue. I just ran a recent season with PF 2025 and only had a handful of QB over 20 int for the season, and none over 25, so nowhere near 2 int per game for even the worst qbs in the league.

For points I have 3 teams over 500, another 6 teams over 450 which is almost exactly in line with 2024 real life results (4 teams over 500, 4 teams over 450) so I'm not seeing issues there. I ran multiple seasons into the future and the results are still the same.

The engine is mostly the same results wise between 2024 and 2025. If you're still seeing things you want us to check out in PF2025 feel free to submit a ticket and attach a link to your league file and we can take a look.