by Gary Gorski » Wed Nov 08, 2023 12:33 pm
Couple of things on this - one is that this doesn't necessarily mean there will be trouble with the guy - just that his personality trait doesn't necessarily mesh great with player(s) from the team. Second, if you got this message for every single guy is it the same guy on your team who would have a potential problem with them? There is a rare personality (I think its called Outsider) that doesn't really like anybody and is just a loner - again doesn't guarantee there is going to be problems with people but if you have one of them then no matter who you bring it there could be the potential for an issue because of the loner. If its a mix of people that's pretty much always going to be the case - if you have 15 people somebody is probably always not going to like a certain person or type of personality so its one of those decisions to make - if its a low level player who doesn't like them I would personally not care. I would only be more concerned with how my better players felt and got along with.