Stats (?)

Stats (?)

Postby WarEagle13 » Tue Aug 20, 2024 8:57 am

Anyone else noticing the following stat trends :

Rushing - QB too low not enough QB's with substantial rushing stats
Rushing - WR too many carries. multiples having over 100 per season
Sacks - Team totals too low. Too many teams in a season having single digit sacks, some as low as4 for the entire season.
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Re: Stats (?)

Postby brooks_piggott » Sat Aug 24, 2024 8:57 am

I adjusted these in the recent build.
QB Rushing should be up significantly... there was an issue where during the first season the coaches weren't using their roster makeup correctly before assigning plays so there were zero QB rushes in a lot of playbooks.
Sometimes the WR get too many carries if they are assigned to RB slots. I wasn't seeing it in my leagues, typically just a handful of players hitting 80 carries or so which can also happen with a lot of endaround type plays in a playbook.
Sacks are tuned to be around the right number league wide, but it's possible that very bad teams can have very low sack totals. In the NCAA there are a handful of teams sitting around 10-12 sacks for a season. 4 is a bit lower than I'd like but it's difficult to target such a specific scenario without raising up everyone too high.
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