I recently noticed that my custom playbook is not being updated with # of times called and the average yardage.
I'm just about to start season 11 in my current save.
In the first season, I did use the custom playbook screen to remove plays that were not working and also to tweak the frequency of the calling on some that were. But once I got comfortable with the calls I just left it alone.
However, I just hired a new offensive coach and went to look at his playbook. I then looked at my custom playbook and noticed it only has data where plays have been called (for example) 6 times. Many plays remain at 0 calls while 1 and 2 calls are predominant. Obviously, after 10 seasons this makes no sense. I've used this custom playbook for my playcalling during all 10 seasons.
This is the first save I've used custom playbooks so I'm not sure if this is a known bug or if the feature only works for a few games and then no longer gets updated.
Anyone know?
Edit: I just played my first two games in season 11 and the data now appears to have been updated to include plays and TD's from those games. However, the totals are not representative of 10 seasons' worth of data. I did update with the patch just before finishing season 10. Not sure if that had any impact on this data.