How does it work trading swaps?

How does it work trading swaps?

Postby tvotaw » Wed Feb 19, 2025 12:50 am

Just bought the game (once I confirmed it has the Aprons and complexity of the caps, etc. which is the fun / challenge of the NBA). Thanks for the work to put those in. Great deal of value to have those. Afraid of the potential challenges these create down the line (in a good way) - even though I will probably stay out of the Aprons, it will still constrain and require more thinking ...

Situation: Trying to use Commissioner mode to force draft pick trades, since I'm using Real World mod and it's not balanced for some teams to currently have stars for which they gave up all their drafts, and still have all their draft picks.

Thus leads to 2 questions:
1) I forced an accidentally incorrect trade (swapped a 2nd round pick instead of 1st). Since it's a swap, it didn't let me reverse it / trade back the swap. Did I do incorrectly, and there is a way to force back the swap between the 2 originally swapping teams?
2) What is the Worse swap when conducting a trade? When proposing, one team has the better and the other the worse. What are the mechanics of using Worse when proposing? Why not just add the Better swap on one team's side? I am certain there is logic, but I'm not able to wrap my head around it. :o
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Re: How does it work trading swaps?

Postby Gary Gorski » Thu Feb 20, 2025 1:53 pm

I am not sure why it wouldn't let you just redo the trade - that seems like it's a possible error I would have to look into.

As for the trades what is in the box is what you are offering so if you are offering the better swap then the other team is offering the worse swap and when it comes down to it the other team gets the better pick and you get the lesser pick. It's just displayed the way it is to show that a pick is coming from both sides and also the internal mechanics need to track the two picks that are involved not just a pick from one team.
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Re: How does it work trading swaps?

Postby tvotaw » Fri Feb 21, 2025 10:52 pm

OK thank you. If I see it come up again, I'll try to post a screenshot. There is a decent chance I was doing something wrong. :)
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Re: How does it work trading swaps?

Postby tvotaw » Wed Feb 26, 2025 1:49 am

Still having some issue. Trying as regular logged in user - as San Antonio I want to reverse this 2026 pick swap with Atlanta - to free up their draft pick, something I am giving them of value in the trade. However, I receive an error message.

Submitting a support ticket. Perhaps I am not clicking correctly, but have tried using Pick Conditions as better, and also as worse - on both the better and worse ends of the swap (so all combinations I could think). Maybe there is a certain way to select & specify reversal?

Trading restrictions turned off.

#5672 DDSPB2025 reverse pick swaps ... ckets/5672
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Re: How does it work trading swaps?

Postby Gary Gorski » Wed Mar 05, 2025 2:48 pm

I apologize I thought that the commissioner mode may be able to undo the pick swap but swaps are not allowed to be traded in the current code base
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Re: How does it work trading swaps?

Postby tvotaw » Fri Mar 07, 2025 11:19 pm

OK thanks. Possible future enhancement haha
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