by faradaysports » Sat Dec 28, 2024 10:02 am
I just started playing 25, and I just have one comment so far that's not worth it's own thread.
I just want to comment on how good the default logos are. Some of them look good enough to be actual logos for real teams. Like the Colorado Timerjacks, The 2 future stars conference logos, Memphis Roar, San Antonio Outlaws, Washington, Westchester Metros, Sacramento Royals, Orlando Mystics, Los Angeles Commodores, Denver Peaks. All these logos are better than the majority of the logos I see looking around at minor league/semi-pro & amateur basketball.
Major kudos to whoever on the WS team came up with those designs. A lot of them look phenomenal. Better than any other set of default logos I've ever seen in a sports game.
I also really like the details of having the ambient sounds in the 2D game (though, I wish I could have a volume slider). And I like the touch of having the animated signage at the scorer's table.
I would like to see some people sitting on the bench, and maybe a little bit more realistic arena, like, the seating around the court doesn't feel great. But minor nitpicks. But yeah, overall, visually, maybe the best looking sports sim game I've ever played.