by brooks_piggott » Sun Nov 24, 2024 12:03 pm
I assume you mean the ones in Options
Playbook Frequency Max: Limits frequency you can assign to a play when adding it to the playbook. Allows you to set a # of times that play is called relative to other plays in the playbook.
Playbook Min Run Plays: Number of Run plays required for a playbook to be valid
Playbook Min Pass Plays: Number of Pass plays required for a playbook to be valid
Playbook Min Defense Plays: Number of Defensive plays required for a playbook to be valid
Allow Custom Team Plays: Toggles allowing teams to create custom plays
Share Plays With All Teams: Toggles whether team created custom plays are available for everyone, or just the team that created them
Disable Playbooks: Disables custom playbooks completely and just uses generated coach playbooks