"Can Be Fired" Not Selectable

"Can Be Fired" Not Selectable

Postby regenerator » Thu Nov 28, 2019 3:01 am

I am starting a new league and I notice I cannot select "Can Be Fired" for coaches, even though this is a sandbox league - why is that? is this a defect?
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Re: "Can Be Fired" Not Selectable

Postby brooks_piggott » Fri Nov 29, 2019 11:34 am

can be fired is a career mode thing
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Re: "Can Be Fired" Not Selectable

Postby regenerator » Sat Nov 30, 2019 9:26 pm

Okay so as soon as I change my Sandobx league to Career, I will be able to fire coaches? Can you please make this an opton in Sandbox mode? I can change everything else, but the coaches not being editable or replaceable has added a lot of time necessary to get things going as I have had to create all these playbooks.
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Re: "Can Be Fired" Not Selectable

Postby brooks_piggott » Sun Dec 01, 2019 9:37 pm

No, Can Be Fired is career mode where once you take over a team if you perform poorly you can be fired and have to pick a new team.

If you just want to fire coaches you should be able to click Fire Coach from the staff screen. You may need to be logged in as commissioner, or log into the team.
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Re: "Can Be Fired" Not Selectable

Postby regenerator » Mon Dec 02, 2019 11:27 pm

How do I log in as commissioner? I have teams set to player-operated but have never been able to fire coaches.
The reason I want to do this is so I am not stuck with the current coaches Attitude and Style since those things are not editable.
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Re: "Can Be Fired" Not Selectable

Postby brooks_piggott » Wed Dec 04, 2019 10:58 am

if you're in multiplayer mode you click on home and click on commissioner login.

If you're in sandbox mode you're already commissioner and should be able to fire coaches. May need to wait until day 1 of staff signing. I can't remember exactly when the fire button lights up.
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Re: "Can Be Fired" Not Selectable

Postby regenerator » Wed Dec 04, 2019 8:34 pm

Okay so its what I was afraid it was in my first post - you can only fire coaches at certain points in the season.
I don't know what else to do, so I'll just repeat an earlier request -

Please make coaches firable at any time during a Sandbox season.

Everything else is editable and doable at just around any point in Sandbox seasons, I thought that was the point. Brooks is this doable?
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Re: "Can Be Fired" Not Selectable

Postby brooks_piggott » Thu Dec 05, 2019 3:49 pm

If you fire a coach outside of the staff hiring phase it will just put a new "filler" coach in. So no, not planning on letting people fire coaches whenever if there isn't a system in place to hire new guys. Maybe in next version we can look at "promoting" a coordinator and leaving the coordinator position open if you wanted to fire a coach, but we'll have to see how it goes.
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Re: "Can Be Fired" Not Selectable

Postby regenerator » Thu Dec 05, 2019 7:18 pm

Id like to point out this wouldn't really be necessary if we could edit all coach's attributes.
Right now you cannt edit Attitude, Style, or the Gamplan seleftions that correspond to them
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Re: "Can Be Fired" Not Selectable

Postby regenerator » Mon Jan 27, 2020 11:34 pm

Brooks, I've brought this up seems like a couple of times, and I can't seem to communicate exactly what I'm asking for, but I'll try again -

In my sandbox league, I'm mainly running things to get stat results, to see where I want to modify things, whether player ratings, different gameplans, maybe overall advanced league setting modifications, etc, so it's great to be able to modify things on the fly. For instance, last season I ran, I really detected about halfway through the season that QB completion percentages were way low. I do a global +10 to QB Acc, and without having to start the season over, i had the back half after the change to compare to the first half, and saw my global edit achieved my goal of better completion percentages league-wide.

This is not about that specifically - this is about one of the other scenarios where I want to mod things to see new results to compare to the old ones - specifically, modifying gameplans.
In order to properly do this, I am continually finding myself banging up against the same wall, same limit - I cant modify all aspects of my coaches. I'm basically stuck with the coaches the game seemingly randomly assigned to my teaams. I'm not sure exactly at what point the coaches are generated or assigned, but since we can modify every single attribute about players, why not coaches?
Specifically, we cannot modify a coach's "Style" - so if I want to truly see the effect of, say, changing from a Balanced style of coaching and calling plays to a Conservative one, I can't edit my OC's style to do this.
Please make a coach's Style editable - if we can change a coach's Offensive/Defensive Philosophy, why the heck are we froze out on their Style?

Also desired as I mentioned in my previous entry on this thread, I would like to be able to modify the gameplan settings that are assigned to a coach, and their attitude, though I'm not quite sure what "Attitude" even effects - what are the possible different Attitudes anyway? I seem to only see "Professional"

Have I finally made myself clear on this issue, or just further muddied the waters? As I look back at what I just spit out here via my keyboard, I am chuckling to myself that it is almost certainly the latter...sigh...brevity is a skill I need to seriously start pursuing...
Last edited by regenerator on Mon Jan 27, 2020 11:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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