kamusha wrote:Hey guys i tried everything and didn`t work for me. I am used to use graphics to FM for 13 years in a row ,but this pack didn`t work for me. I tried in the folder of the game , i tried in the docs .. just doesn`t work .
Help if you got any suggestions . Thanks.
Within the zip file there is a subfolder called "DDSPF21 Photos". When you place the photos into one of the destination photo folders, you need to copy the photos from the subfolder to the destination...but don't include the subfolder. The photos must go directly into the destination folder itself.
C:\Program Files\Wolverine Studios\Draft Day Sports - Pro Football 2021\Data\images\players\
C:\Program Files\Wolverine Studios\Draft Day Sports - Pro Football 2021\Data\images\players\DDSPF21 Photos
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Draft Day Sports Pro Football 2021\Data\images\players\
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Draft Day Sports Pro Football 2021\Data\images\players\DDSPF21 Photos
DOCUMENTS FOLDERAs per the creator of the game, Depending on use case these may work better in:
Documents\Wolverine Studios\DDSPF 2021\Leagues\*yourleaguenamehere*\HTML\Images\Players
Documents\Wolverine Studios\DDSPF 2021\Leagues\*yourleaguenamehere*\HTML\Images\Players\DDSPF21 Photos